Table IV: Summary of Sensory Abnormalities
in Mercury Poisoning & Autism
Mercury Poisoning Autism
Abnormal sensation or numbness around mouth and extremities (paresthesia); burning feet Abnormal sensation in mouth and extremities; excessive mouthing of objects (infants); toe walking; difficulty grasping objects
Sound sensitivity Sound sensitivity
Excessive pain when bumping; abnormal touch sensations; touch aversion Insensitivity or overreaction to pain and touch; touch aversion; stiff to hold
Loss of position in space Vestibular system abnormalities; difficulty orienting self in space
Normal pinprick tests Normal pinprick tests
Copyright (c) 2000 by ARC Research
14 Commerce Drive
Cranford, NJ 07016 III: Summary of Speech, Language
& Hearing Deficits in Autism & Mercury Poisoning
Mercury Poisoning Autism
Complete loss of speech in adults or children; failure to develop speech in infants Delayed language onset; failure to develop speech
Dysarthria; speech difficulties from intention tremor; slow and slurred speech Dysarthria; dyspraxia and oral-motor planning difficulties; unintelligible speech
Aphasia, the inability to use or understand words, inability to comprehend speech although ability to hear sound is intact Speech comprehension deficits, although ability to hear sound is intact
Difficulties verbalizing; word retrieval problems Echolalia; pronoun reversals, word meaning and pragmatic errors; limited speech production
Auditory disturbance; difficulties differentiating voices in a crowd Difficulties following conversational speech with background noise
Sound sensitivity Sound sensitivity
Hearing loss; deafness in very high doses Mild to profound hearing loss
Poor performance on standardized language tests Poor performance on verbal IQ tests
) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level
c) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people, (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people
Kidney channels opens to the ears
Any hearing disorder can be attributed to kidney qi deficiency
Any disorder related to hearing is attributed to kidney deficiency
Any eye related disorder is considered to liver problem.